Hide ‘See associated records’ and ‘See all records’ on Sub Grid

As part of UCI two new buttons has been added to the Sub-grid, these are ‘See Associated records’ and ‘See all records’. On click of ‘See Associated records’ will lead us to Associated view of the open record and ‘See al record’ will lead to all records view.

But some time we need to hide those buttons then these button wont show up in ‘Ribbon Workbench’. Thus, to hide these buttons we need to remove from ‘Navigation’ from ‘entity’s form’, you need to just remove only respective navigation not all, ref below image ..

Continue reading “Hide ‘See associated records’ and ‘See all records’ on Sub Grid”

Filter Lookups on MSD 365

  • Out of box filter No Code: This just configuration on form.
  • Simple Lookup filter
function AddCustomFilterToLookup(formContext, fieldName, lookuptypes) {

//below fetchxml will be a custom filter to the lookup 
    var fetchxml = "<filter type='and'><condition attribute='ownerid' operator='eq-userid'/></filter>";
    formContext.getControl(fieldName).addCustomFilter(fetchxml, lookuptypes[0]);
  • Regarding Object lookup filter

//here fieldName = "regardingobjectid";
//     lookuptypes = ["contact", "account", "soft_cust_EntityName", "incident"];
//     formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); 
function RegardingObjectFilter(formContext, fieldName, lookuptypes) {
    var control = formContext.getControl(fieldName);

That’s it for now. Thanks!! 🙂

‘Back’ and ‘Save and close’ buttons are not working

Problem: Form navigation within multiple forms ‘Back’ and ‘Save and Close’ buttons stopped working.


function Loadform(formId) {
 if (!Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem) { return; }
 var currentForm = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem();
 if (currentForm && currentForm.getId() === formId) { return; }

 Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.items.forEach(function (form) {
     if (form.getId() === formId)
         form.navigate(); });

Hope it help!

Thank you!

Linq and Parallel.ForEach loop

If requests are internal then Linq query will perform better over Parallel.ForEach and for external request Parallel.ForEach will perform better than Linq request.

Parller Foreach is faster than traditional For or ForEach loop

private List GetOrganizationRequests(List incidents)
             var orgRequests = new List();
         Parallel.ForEach(incidents.Where(x => x.Contains("statuscode") && x.Contains("qi.queueitemid") && x.Contains("tm.queueid")), incident =>
             orgRequests.Add(new AddToQueueRequest
                 SourceQueueId = ((EntityReference)((AliasedValue)incident["qi.queueid"]).Value).Id,
                 Target = new EntityReference("incident", incident.Id),
                 DestinationQueueId = ((EntityReference)((AliasedValue)incident["tm.queueid"]).Value).Id
         return orgRequests;

Linq query for same request

private List GetOrganizationRequests(List incidents) =>
             incidents.Where(x => x.Contains("statuscode") && x.Contains("qi.queueitemid") && x.Contains("tm.queueid"))
             .Select(z => new AddToQueueRequest()
                 SourceQueueId = ((EntityReference)((AliasedValue)z["qi.queueid"]).Value).Id,
                 Target = new EntityReference("incident", z.Id),
                 DestinationQueueId = ((EntityReference)((AliasedValue)z["tm.queueid"]).Value).Id

hope its helps !!

Security roles JS updates

UCI has plenty of new features, one it is security roles fetch is very good one though did not creek. Good thing about it is, it will gives us all security roles along with its name in userSettings itself.

Here is code snippet of it

// Get Logged In User's Context
     var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings;
     // Get Logged In User Security Roles
     var loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuids = userSettings.securityRoles;
     var loggedInUsersecurityRoles = userSettings.roles;
     var isUserAdmin = false;
     for (var i = 0; i < loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuids.length; i++) {
     if (loggedInUsersecurityRoles._collection[loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuids[i]].name === "System Administrator" ||         loggedInUsersecurityRoles._collection[loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuids[i]].name === "*System Administrator")     
{ isUserAdmin = true; } }

if (isUserAdmin) {
//do something      


Open dynamics record in dialog/Modal popup using navigateTo Client API

In 2020 Release Wave 1 Update for Dynamics 365 introduced navigateTo Client API to open main form of dynamics record in dialog instead Xrm.Navigation.openForm. This helps record to open in new window or same window of browser.

Also with the help of Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo, we can open custom HTML too and we can pass some parameters or accept return values in MSD 365 JavaScript too.

Below, we have provided information about how to open the CRM record in dialog. So to open new form for the entity is by below code snippet ..

var parameters = {};
             parameters["soft_para1"] = formContext.data.entity.getId();
             parameters["soft_para2"] = formKeyString;
             parameters["soft_para3"] = 1;

var pageInput = {
             pageType: "entityrecord",
             entityName: "soft_entityLogicalName",
             data: parameters,
             formId: "71ca9461-3209-4740-bd62-7320af2ae89c"

Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(pageInput, { target: 2 }).then(
         function success() {
             //do something 
             //do something
         function error() { }

To open existing record use below code snippet

var pageProperty = {
                     pageType: “entityrecord”,
                     entityName: “contact”,
                     formType: 2,
                     entityId: “979dfe31-0686-ea11-a811-000d3a579c9c”//guid of record

var navigationProperty = {
                 target: 2,
                 width: { value: 80, unit: “%” },
                 position: 1
Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(pageProperty, navigationProperty);

Now, to show some custom html page

var dialogParameters = {
 pageType: "webresource",//required
 webresourceName: "ab_/ModalDialog.html",//Html Webresource that will be shown
 data: data//optional
var navigationOptions = {
 target: 2,//use 1 if you want to open page inline or 2 to open it as dialog
 width: 400,
 height: 300,
 position: 1//1 to locate dialog in center and 2 to locate it on the side
Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(dialogParameters, navigationOptions).then(
 function (returnValue){
 //you can add handling of resultValue here
 //put your success handler here
 function(e) {
 //put your error handler here

hope it helps.

Another good thing Navigation …..

We can show some HTML page here as well, we can pass parameters and accept some return value too using same above method.


Passing values to HTML page and accepting values in MSD 365 js which are passed from HTML page

function RestrictedCommand() {

    var pageInput = { //pass values to page 

        pageType: "webresource",
        webresourceName: "soft_modelpopup_restrict",
        data: "Incident"


    var navigationOptions = {

        target: 2,
        width: 500, // value specified in pixel
        height: 250, // value specified in pixel
        position: 1


    Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(pageInput, navigationOptions).then(

        function success(returnValue) { //returnValue will return value from HTML page 

            switch (returnValue.returnValue) {

                case "883990000":                
                    var ResValue = parseInt(returnValue.returnValue);
                    //your logic 

                case "0":

                    //your logic

                case "Cancel":


        function error() {
            // Handle errors


Design your HTML page and pass values like below

    <title>Restriction reason</title>
<body onload="PoppupOnload()">

        p {
            font-family: Calibri;
            font-size: 15px;

        label {
            font-family: Calibri;
            font-size: 15px;

        .select {
            font-family: Calibri;

        .button {
            background-color: #0047b3;
            border: none;
            color: white;
            padding: 12px 29px;
            text-align: center;
            font-family: Calibri;
            text-decoration: none;
            display: inline-block;
            font-size: 15px;
            margin: 4px 2px;
            cursor: pointer;
            float: right;

    <script src="ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" type="text/javascript"></script>
        function SubmitClick() {

            var e = document.getElementById("soft_reason");
            var result = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

            if (result == "0") {
                openAlert("Please select correct reason or click on 'Cancel' button to cancel the action.");

            } else {
                window.returnValue = result;

        function CancelClick() {
            window.returnValue = "Cancel";

        function PoppupOnload() {
            var queryString = location.search.substring(1);
            switch (queryString.split("=")[1]) {

                case "Incident":
                    document.getElementById("PersonMessage").style.display = "none";
                case "Contact":
                    document.getElementById("IncidentMessage").style.display = "none";

                default: window.close();


        function openAlert(errormessage) {

            var alertStrings = { confirmButtonLabel: "OK", text: errormessage };

            var alertOptions = { height: 175, width: 350 };

            Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(alertStrings, alertOptions).then(

                function success(result) {


                function (error) {



    <p id="IncidentMessage">Please note that by restricting the Case record any child records like Goal, Action taken, General Assessment etc. will also be restricted. If you would like to continue then please provide the reason for restriction below:</p>
    <p id="PersonMessage">Please note that by restricting the Person record any open Case record associated to the Person will also be restricted. If you would like to continue then please provide the reason for restriction below:</p>

    <label for="dhhs_restrictionreason">Restriction reason:</label>
    <select class="select" name="dhhs_restrictionreason" id="dhhs_restrictionreason">
        <option value="0">--Select--</option>
        <!--<option value="883990000">Person known to staff</option>-->
        <option value="883990001">Sensitive case</option>
        <option value="883990002">High profile incident</option>
        <option value="883990003">Client request</option>
    <input type="submit" class="button" value="Cancel" onclick="CancelClick()">
    <input type="submit" class="button" value="Restrict" onclick="SubmitClick()">


it will look like this …

Hope it helps


Get the list of the dirty fields on the Dynamics 365

To quickly get the list of all the dirty fields

Open the debugger tool and put the following script in the console window


Get logged in user’s Security roles names in UCI

Here is sample code to get security roles name of logged in user.

function GetLoggedInUserSecurityRoleNames() {
 // Get Logged In User Context
 var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings;
 // Get Logged In User Security Roles
 var loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray = userSettings.securityRoles;
 var totalSecurityRolesArray = new Array();
 var rolesOutputText = "";

if (loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray.length > 0) {
 Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("roles", "?$select=name,roleid").then(
 function success(result) {
 if (result.entities.length > 0) {
 // Push Role Names and Role Ids to Array
 for (var rolesCount = 0; rolesCount < result.entities.length; rolesCount++) {
 totalSecurityRolesArray.push({ RoleName: result.entities[rolesCount].name, RoleId: result.entities[rolesCount].roleid });

rolesOutputText = userSettings.userName + " has the below Security Roles\n------------------------------------\n";

// Compare the User Security Roles with Total Security Roles
 for (var userSecurityRolesCounter = 0; userSecurityRolesCounter < loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray.length; userSecurityRolesCounter++) {
 for (var totalsecurityRolesCounter = 0; totalsecurityRolesCounter < totalSecurityRolesArray.length; totalsecurityRolesCounter++) {
 if (totalSecurityRolesArray[totalsecurityRolesCounter].RoleId.toLowerCase() == loggedInUsersecurityRolesGuidArray[userSecurityRolesCounter].toLowerCase()) {
 rolesOutputText += totalSecurityRolesArray[totalsecurityRolesCounter].RoleName + "\n";

// Show User Roles
 Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(rolesOutputText, null);
 function (error) {
 // Show error
 Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(error.message, null);

Duplicate workflows in advanced find – CRM 365

While searching for the process in the Advanced Find of my MS Dynamics CRM 365 environment, I noticed that several “duplicates” of the process appeared. Although they had the same name, some of them were in Draft Mode and two were Active. One curious thing that I saw was few processes are same logic and steps, also, whenever I did a change in one of my Active workflow/business rule, the other was replicating the change. This made me had a hard time trying to figure out what was happening, specially because after searching the duplicates in the Default solution to delete them, only one appeared.

Continue reading “Duplicate workflows in advanced find – CRM 365”

Xrm.WebApi.online.execute (Client API reference) in MSD 365

Xrm.WebApi.online.execute(request).then(successCallback, errorCallback); can be used for CURD operations, also to execute workflow and action. In the above syntax ‘request’ will be a object which can have all information of the operation. The details of the request can be found here in more depth. Here is some details ..

Continue reading “Xrm.WebApi.online.execute (Client API reference) in MSD 365”