Linq and Parallel.ForEach loop

If requests are internal then Linq query will perform better over Parallel.ForEach and for external request Parallel.ForEach will perform better than Linq request.

Parller Foreach is faster than traditional For or ForEach loop

private List GetOrganizationRequests(List incidents)
             var orgRequests = new List();
         Parallel.ForEach(incidents.Where(x => x.Contains("statuscode") && x.Contains("qi.queueitemid") && x.Contains("tm.queueid")), incident =>
             orgRequests.Add(new AddToQueueRequest
                 SourceQueueId = ((EntityReference)((AliasedValue)incident["qi.queueid"]).Value).Id,
                 Target = new EntityReference("incident", incident.Id),
                 DestinationQueueId = ((EntityReference)((AliasedValue)incident["tm.queueid"]).Value).Id
         return orgRequests;

Linq query for same request

private List GetOrganizationRequests(List incidents) =>
             incidents.Where(x => x.Contains("statuscode") && x.Contains("qi.queueitemid") && x.Contains("tm.queueid"))
             .Select(z => new AddToQueueRequest()
                 SourceQueueId = ((EntityReference)((AliasedValue)z["qi.queueid"]).Value).Id,
                 Target = new EntityReference("incident", z.Id),
                 DestinationQueueId = ((EntityReference)((AliasedValue)z["tm.queueid"]).Value).Id

hope its helps !!


AutoMapper is a simple library built to getting rid of code that mapped one object to another. explore more about Auto-mapper here.

Add it from NuGet packages manager or execute below command

PM> Install-Package AutoMapper

here is sample code to use it…

Continue reading “Auto-Mapper”

Entity Framework: Code first

By using Code-First apporch, we can target a database that doesn’t exist and Code First will create, or an empty database that Code First will add new tables too. Code First allows you to define your model using C# or VB.Net classes. Additional configuration can optionally be performed using attributes on your classes and properties or by using a fluent API or Data Annotations.

Here is a walk through …

Continue reading “Entity Framework: Code first”

DLL merge and MSD CRM/365 (on-prem/On-Line)

Tips & Trics

While working as a developer, many times we will have some readymade tools or class libraries / DLLs, which were developed by some other developers and they publish for developer kind. Salute to their generosity.

We use those libraries in our development and our life becomes little easier. But while deploying it on other environments we have to install those things and or keep those DLLs on another environment, if we miss it then because of those open libraries, development breaks.


So in such conditions, we can merge multiple DLLs in one to make our life bit easier.

If it’s exe, user following function to make one DDL.

Advantage: it will keep the original identity of the DDL.

Disadvantage: it won’t work for the library building. For e.g. CRM plugins

Here is that great function …

private static void AsseblyResolveEvent()
 AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, args) =>
 String resourceName = "AssemblyLoadingAndReflection." +
 new AssemblyName(args.Name).Name + ".dll";
 using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
 Byte[] assemblyData = new Byte[stream.Length];
 stream.Read(assemblyData, 0, assemblyData.Length);
 return Assembly.Load(assemblyData);

Curtsy: This function has written by Jeffrey Richter, here is his article for it.

If it’s DDL and or class libraries, ILMerge will useful.

Advantages: it’s free and lite installation. Easy to use.

Disadvantage: After merging DDLs with ILMerge, DDL will lose its identity, that’s why we can not use for CRM plugin libraries. While writing commands we need to bit careful else spelling mistake might frustrate you. 😉

You need to install it after download from here. Then by following commands, you can merge multiple DDLs together.

Steps: Once its installed, open command window with admin rights and execute it, follow the commands

Step 1: Download ILMerge utility and install it in your machine

Step 2: Compile and Publish your Project to a folder (eg: C:\Publish\)

Step 3: Use the ilmerge command to merge the exe and dll files and output single exe file

ILMerge Command

Syntax (Simple*): ilmerge <input assembly 1> <input assembly 2> /out:<output file> /target:<dll|exe|winexe>

*For the complete set of options and syntax refer ILMerge Documentation


C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ILMerge>ilmerge C:\Publish\MyProgram.exe C:\Publish\MyLibrary.dll /out:C:\Publish\MyWinApp.exe /target:winexe /ndebug

ilmerge – Command

MyProgram.exe – Output from the published folder

MyLibrary.dll – Any library used in the program

/target:winexe – We need to output a single exe file for Windows Platform

/output – Output folder and filename

/ndebug – To disable debug (.pdb file)

Curtsy: Arun Ramchandran’s blog , for more info, explore this link and this link.

Above both options won’t be useful for MSD CRM or MSD 365. 😔

So, to make those libraries useful for these environments we have to create a folder in your plugin project so it will be part of plugin project. And we don’t need to merge it anymore. 😉

Thus, we have two options available for it,

If those libraries are open source then we will get everything available online(thanks to generous great developers), just get only those classes which useful for you and ignore the rest of classes from that DDL.

But if it’s not open source then we need bit more efforts. As we need to use ILSpy or some similar add-on to decompile that code and then use in our plugin or workflow library.

There is another way for same is merging these files together along with its signature. Here are the details for it. (Courtesy: github )

Use Nuget to add ILMerge.MSBuild.Task to your Visual Studio project:

Install-Package ILMerge.MSBuild.Task

Also, install the ILMerge Package:

Install-Package ilmerge

Build your project. The merged assembly will be stored in an ILMerge folder under the project output.

Merge Assemblies With Copy Local = True

By default, all references with Copy Local equals true are merged with your project output.

Creating a Static List of Assemblies to Merge

It is also possible to use a static list of assemblies instead of inspecting the Copy Local property. This can be done through a configuration file added to the root of your project. Create a JSON file and name it as follows:


The following snippet uses the InputAssemblies property to specify the files to be merged into the project output.

	"General": {
		"InputAssemblies": [

You don’t have to specify a path if assemblies are expected to be in the target directory:

	"General": {
		"InputAssemblies": [

See Configuration File complete reference.

That’s it for now.


Few more ref


Continue reading “DLL merge and MSD CRM/365 (on-prem/On-Line)”